Friday, June 09, 2006

I just read an article...

which should make us all update our opinions on religion.

I cannot, now, document the source but, you can trust me, I read it on a news website. It was neither fiction nor the fanciful imagination of some crazy.

It seems the ultra-orthodox Jewish community is at a crossroads. It has been discovered that the wigs, yes I said wigs, ultra-orthodox women are required to wear to cover their natural hair are made from human hair bought in India. What's the big deal you have a right to ask?

Indian hair is not kosher! First, the Hindus are non believers in Jewish law. That, in itself, makes their hair unfit for Jewish women to wear. Secondly, much of the hair has been dyed or tinted rendering it non-kosher.

The very wearing of wigs has the rabbi's in a quandry. Some of them say wigs are better than the traditional scarves the women of old had to wear. Why?, because, according to these learned gentlemen, there is less chance of a lock of hair slipping out from under a wig and being seen by men. However, others among the sages explain the wigs violate the spirit of the Judaic laws of modesty. Modesty? Since when can a wig be considered modest?

To me, there are some glaring questions that any intelligent human, Jewish or otherwise, should ask about such a 'law'.

First, what is it with Semitic men? The Jews can't stand the sight of a woman's hair, Arabs find it necessary to completely cover their women so not an ankle or an elbow may be seen. Are we to understand that Semitic men are so virile, so sexually charged that with only a glimpse of an ear lobe they are compelled to rape and sexually humiliate the perpetrator?

I've met some pretty horny guys in my time but, all, but the most perverted among them, would not dare claim such 'rights'. I think Semitic men hide their women behind canonic law to avoid having some other man offer his wife what he will not or cannot.

Secondly, how does the dietary law of 'kosher' get extended to human hair? I thought it applied to pickles and lunch meats. Bleaching or tinting or highlighting isn't 'kosher'? Who knew?

All of this makes me wonder about religion in general. Perhaps these ridiculus 'laws' are just made up by a male society that wishes to subjugate their women because women are a lot easier to deal with if they are subjugated.

Maybe, a simpler way to resolve the dilemma is to send Semitic men to a school where they can learn how to act right.

Don't even get me started on the religious cults in Kentucky, Jamaica,Louisiana and Brasil. Just don't!


When your dream comes true, You're out one dream ~ Nerissa Nields

MEXICO (as I see it):

There exists a sort of destructive personality among the Mexicans.

Nothing is sacred, so to speak. Nothing is worth saving or preserving if they are angry with it or need it for money making

Things that really count are regularly exploited or destroyed to make way for something else; trees, rivers and lakes are paid lip service but are cut down, cleared, dried up, diverted, polluted or contaminated and every Mexican pretends not to notice.

These same people, however, will safeguard forever some meaningless piece of trivia they have picked up on a visit to Sea
World or some faded, fuzzy thing they played with as a child.

Is this a case of being pennywise and pound foolish or am I missing something?

THE SERIAL Her Viking:

we left off here:

There had been too much confusion already for the Widow Mora and now, with the pouch and all, she was mentally exhausted. Her mind ceased to wonder 'why' and she tried to content herself with the simple role of spectator.

He was unsteady on his feet and a little clumsy too; he almost fell twice while completing his tasks. No doubt this was because of the liquor, the widow allowed herself to surmise. The last item out of the nylon travel bag was a knife, or maybe, it was an ice pick or screwdriver. The Widow Mora pressed the binoculars to
her eyes trying to determine which of these it was. Her Viking then threw the nylon bag into the tangle of vegetaion bordering the beach and it disappeared from the widow's view.

As if to encore this morning's bizarre performance he placed the knife between his teeth, picked up his inner tube and charged into the foamy surf, fully dressed.

Once he managed to get beyond the breakers, struggling to overcome the drag of his wet clothes, he fumbled his way to the tube's center and began, yet another, long paddle to open water. Knowing her Viking's routine, the widow lowered the binoculars and gazed into the immensity of the sea and sky.

Her thoughts quickly turned back to what had taken place earlier. Could he have seen her from the beach? If not, how could he have known someone was there? The widow believed she had been too careful to be visible to him. Perhaps, it was coincidence he looked up just then, or maybe he had been looking at the house or the palisade. Still, it all seemed awfully strange to her; and what of the salute and bow? What sort of person would do such a thing if he didn't believe he had an audience?

Although she couldn't explain the incident, she decided she might be making too much of it. She tried to put the whole experience to rest. Nevertheless, the Widow Mora scolded herself, she must stop this insane spying. It wasn't wholesome and she felt as if she were behaving like a schoolgirl.

She began reviewing some of her intimate dreams of these past weeks - dreams of candle light, touching each other, lying between freshly laundered sheets, still smelling of sunshine, helping her Viking dress and bringing him coffee and chocolates. How beautifully harmless it had been, she thought; but now, that he was somehow on to her, it all, suddenly, seemed smutty.

How could she have permitted herself such indulgences? It was, the Widow Mora reminded herself, unladylike and, possibly, un-Catholic. How outlandish of her to titillate herself with images of a total stranger;a man who wandered the beach carrying parts from cars and ropes and God knows what all!



Blogger noncommon said...

oh hello! i have been too busy to stop by and enjoy your spirit as of late. but tonight i made some time, and damn if i'm not happy about that! you say the things i think. however, when i try to express these thoughts, they come out a little more abrupt.
you have a succinct grace with words.

9:39 PM  
Blogger bbuckman said...

Glad you're back. And, thanks for the compliment.

10:43 AM  

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